Hot Guids In Your Area

One of my colleagues showed me this nerdy website

It’s a parody of those “Hot or Not” style websites that were popular years ago. It shows you a GUID and you have to select if you find it “hot” or “not”.

A GUID is a globally unique identifier

It looks something like this:


GUIDs are perfect as a randomly generated identification number since the probability of duplicates is very negligable.

Due to that trait, I would have thought the features of the website such as “Popular GuidsGuids with more than 1 hot vote” wouldn’t actually be implemented because the chance of showing you a GUID that was shown to 2 people would be basically impossible – so that’s part of the joke.

More humorous than that is this:

Single women in your area who are interested in this guid:
There are no single women in your area who are interested in this or any other guid.

Then there’s purchase options like an adoption certificate or a t-shirt, although I don’t think you can actually purchase them, but I’m sure they would sell a few if you could.

“I was wearing a t-shirt of my favorite guid
when a girl approached me and told me it was also
her favorite guid. We are now married and have
several children.”

target customer

Maybe that quote contradicts the other joke… or maybe there was only ever one single woman who was interested in a particular GUID. Or maybe the (fictional) reviewer was joking.

In case the website is removed from the internet, here it is in all its glory.

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