YAGNI / This Code Could be Useful In The Future

I remember the days of being a junior software developer where you write code because “it might be useful at some point in the future”. The thing is, this means you end up writing way more code than is necessary, and could lead to overcomplicated designs.

There is a concept called YAGNI: “You Ain’t Gonna Need It”

Swizec sums this up well here with a strong hint of sarcasm…

And that brings us to the other YAGNI: Building stuff you think you’ll need before you need it.

You think of a wonderful abstraction. A wonderful little feature that’s gonna help oh so much in the future.

You build it.

Months pass. You tweak the code here and there. Nobody’s using it, but you have to maintain otherwise it’s gonna break. Whenever you implement a feature, you have to think about how it impacts this code you’ve got.

It’s slowing you down. Making you think. And you aren’t even using it.

But one day! One glorious day, your PM gives you a task. A task from the gods. You are about to use this code you predicted 6 months ago!

You are a god of prediction! You knew it all along!


A simple example I came across recently was this:

public static bool IsModalDialogOpen()
  Boolean isModalDialogOpen = Application.AnyModalDialogOpen;
  if (isModalDialogOpen)
     throw new DialogException("A dialog is already open");
  return isModalDialogOpen;

So they have written a method that checks if a dialog is already open. If there is, then an exception is thrown (depending on their error handling, it would either crash, or display some kind of error to the user), otherwise it returns false. Since this is new code, the only places that called this method was in his new code. However, he never checked the return value of the method. Since it is defined as a Boolean/bool then it could only return true or false, but his logic only ever returned false… and all the calling code never used the value. Our exchange went like this:

Me: Why do we have a return type for this method when the return value is not used above?
Developer: If any one in future want to know the value it will be useful because of that I have added.
Me: https://rules.sonarsource.com/csharp/RSPEC-3241
       Also: it will never return true
Developer: OK, removed the return type.
Me: It needs an appropriate method name now

So at first he says it will be useful in future – which is definitely false – YANGI definitely applied in this situation. Then when he agreed that the boolean value wasn’t useful, he left the method name as IsModalDialogOpen which implies it should return a boolean. In the end, we were left with this:

public static void ThrowExceptionIfModalDialogOpen()
   if (Application.AnyModalDialogOpen)
     throw new DialogException("A dialog is already open");

In another recent change, there was this humorous exchange between two Senior Developers, George and Paul:

This looks like dead code...

Yes on the off chance it was used, we now redirect to the new stored procedure

How did you test it?

We spoke to the Data guys and they said it wasnt used, so no testing required. I am sure.

So you leave it in case it is used, but don't test it because it isn't?

Yes sort of. In case this was ever ressurrected the change was there for them to use

It won't be

So Paul had been migrating a database “into the Cloud”, and so went through all the features where that old database was used. He found some old code which he believed to be obsolete, but made the change there anyway. George then flags it up, and Paul says he changed it just in case it was actually used, even though other developers also agreed it wasn’t used. He didn’t test it because it wasn’t used, but the code is there if someone decides it should be used, but it might not actually work because he never tested it.

You could make a variation on that Swizec quote at the start of the blog. It’s extra code that you have to maintain and slows you down, but the day that code is finally used; Paul has saved people time! (Apart from all the developers who will end up looking at the obsolete code in the meantime).