Project Aurora & The Strangler pattern

Recently we have had another tech guy join the company who is reporting to the CTO. I find that people in these kind of roles want to put their stamp on things by coming up with a new idea.

He presented his idea in our monthly Tech Meeting. He wants to attempt to address our performance problems by taking traffic away from our main on-premise databases. There’s been some similar ideas recently, and although I’m not great when it comes to hardware, networks and general software/hardware architecture; I am sceptical that these ideas can work.

His idea is that we can replicate the database in the cloud (“the cloud” solves all problems you see), and then the database in the cloud can be used for Read access, whereas Write would still go to the main on-premise databases (then synced up to the cloud).

The Announcement

This programme of work is to move workload away from our primary systems to enable these systems to withstand expected load factors from upcoming initiatives as well as expected growth in usage on our APIs during Winter 2023.

The intent is to run focused cross functional teams in work-streams across the group to deliver this initiative. The approach taken here is to place multiple bets, across multiple teams. The expectation is that not all teams will deliver by September, but enough to bring in the headroom we need.

The programme is intending to free up at least 20% load across our core databases.

Upcoming aims:
• Strategic, move read-only workloads to Aurora.
• Redeploy APIs to AWS, Move to cloud technology, Containerise and Optimise Service
• Enable use of replica data when ready.
• Move Appointment Workload
• Mitigate 8am peak load.
• Use caching engine on AWS (Elasticache/Redis), mitigate 8.2% of PC DB Load 
• Reduce load on the DB during day time.
• Reduce Datacentre and DB load and improve performance
• Mitigate 6.2% of DB load by optimising how we summarise task counts
• Proof of concept is Complete, expected to cost £2m a year.

My Conversation With Architect Mark

I think the reason for the replication (as opposed to just moving it all to the Cloud) is that you can’t fully commit to ideas like this. You have to have a rollback plan. So if we find it doesn’t work, is too expensive etc., we can just return to the old way without much inconvenience. I asked one of our Software Architects what he thought of the plan because it doesn’t sound right to me:

doesn't sending data out to another database just increase traffic, and they wanted to reduce it?
Yes, it will also be delayed, and often broken
no pain, no gain
they're replicating data, and it's unlikely it'll be used
I don't see how you migrate things. You have to keep them both running until you are confident it works, then bin off the old database. But then in reality you just end up keeping them both for longer than expected
you then also need cross-database transactions or to be very careful with queries
yeah, that's basically it. Have the same API at both ends, some sort of replicate and transform on the data to ensure it's in both. Persist to both simultaneously, then when all works, turn off the old
The CTO said that “some people say there is a delay, but it is only 5 minutes”. Does that address any of your concerns at all?
no, this is only the second time I've heard about this, and the first I laughed
I agree with the principle of strangler pattern for migrating, but this isn't migrating
it's keeping multiple DBs 'in-sync'
does that mean you can view an appointment book which is 5 mins out of date, and you try book an appointment, then it checks the real database and is like "no mate you cannot do that"

The conversation between architects

Mark then sent me a conversation he had with two other architects, Andrew and Jon. Mark already had concerns with the “appointment book” example.

so when this replication system goes down for a few hours, what happens then? I guess the system tries to book appointments for slots already booked, put in requests for items already issued etc.?
seems our business layer needs to be aware of how outdated the original information was, so it can compare something like a changelog number. Sounds like a big challenge to implement correctly

Andrew 11:10
Yes, any write operations will need logic to ensure that cannot happen Mark.
John and I have already called out that Appointments and Orders will have significant challenges with this replication model and have suggested that the initial focus should be on User Profiles, and any historic data, etc.

Mark 11:13
User Profiles and historic data seem just as dangerous to be honest.

Jon 11:15
The idea I suggested these is that you would check the change log on the primary system before even considering going to the replica. If the User had had a recent change (what counts as "recent" is TBC, I suggested 30 minutes) you wouldn't even consider going to the replica.

Mark 11:15
can we implement the strangler pattern properly? set up proper Appointments APIs to use in our datacentre, and AWS.
duplicate the data.
then dual file everything against the APIs? if one fails to file, the other gets rolled back.
we ensure consistency, we can transform the data, and we're using the pattern as intended
Jon, I agree your idea is the right way to do this sort of thing, but it will be adding logic and latency in a lot of places (as well as augmenting every one of our products to be aware of this), and not bringing us forward, but continuing to keep us in the primary data-store model

Jon 11:18
Honestly if the use case for customers looking at their data, then having it a touch out-of-date information isn't as critical as if our actual users sees an out of date view. As a hypothetical Customer who knows nothing about IT, if I viewed my record straight after a consultation
and it wasn't there I would just assume that there was a delay and it would appear later.
When it comes to actual Users viewing the record, it's absolutely critical that they see the up to date view. And when it comes to appointments that's also critical because appointment booking is fast moving, it'd be an awful experience for a User if every "free" slot they booked turned out to be booked minutes earlier.

Mark 11:19
depends, if you've just requested a particular item and the page doesn't update to indicate that, can you continue requesting it?

Jon 11:20
Many of our users (mine included) turned off online appointment booking entirely at the beginning of the pandemic and use a triage system now.
You wouldn’t be able to successfully request duplicate items, because the write would take place conditionally, so if it had been requested already then it'd say no (if designed even
vaguely competently).

Mark 11:22
the write wouldn't come through, but it'd be confusing for the User seeing the prescription still requestable, unless the application has its own datastore of state

Jon 11:22
Yes it would be far from ideal. But the CTO has some ideas about that (having a "recent changes" dataset in a cache that is updated live, and merged with the replica's data.
feels like there's loads of little bits of logic that need 'tacking on' to resolve potentially quite serious incidents. When the correct use of the strangler pattern gets us away from on-premise as primary DB, and moving in the direction we want to go
Yeah, this isn't easy and requires careful consideration.

Andrew 11:30
You are absolutely right Mark - there are a heck of a lot of potential gotchas and ultimately the plan has to be to use the strangler pattern, but at the moment we are looking at a rescue plan to put out some existing fires in the data centre and to handle predicted significant increase in load that will hit us in the Autumn. Everything that you have flagged is being considered.
The only fall-back plan that we currently have is to spend nearly £4m / year on additional SQL Server readable secondaries (on top of having to pay an additional 12% on our existing SQL Server licences thanks to MS hiking their prices) and nobody has the appetite for that.

Closing Thoughts

I don’t know what the Strangler Pattern is, so I’ll add that to my reading lists. However, it seems that even with my limited knowledge of architecture, our Software Architects have similar concerns as I do. There’s been plenty of ideas that the CTO (or similar level managers) have quickly backtracked on due to not consulting people who have knowledge on whether their idea is actually logically sound. I’ll keep my eye on this idea to see how it develops.

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